Tuesday 2 October 2007

Writers Block is Real

I am really enjoying the writing for Spanish Steps, my office is decorated with family trees and character development spider charts, so far I have written enough for the first 20 Episodes but now I have to face the uncomfortable truth...I'm not happy with Episode 1.

It's not that it is rubbish or anything, in fact it's not bad at all BUT and this is a big but (hence the capitalization) it needs to grab the reader by the balls and make them want more. So I have been looking for inspiration and did the only sensible thing, well sensible for a woman sitting all alone in her little office, well OK spare bedroom, I Googled Great Opening Lines. Just look what I found:- http://www.book-club.co.nz/books/openers.htm Brilliant examples from all genres of literature and how do I feel now...depressed, I am not worthy!

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