Thursday 13 March 2008


Insomnia is infectious.

I can't remember the last time I slept for a full eight hours, in fact I can't remember the last time I had five hours unbroken sleep. I used to blame Dave's snoring - my god I was a saint to put up with it;-) - but since his heart attack he hasn't snored, although I do think that it was a bit of a dramatic way to solve the issue! but back to the insomnia- I have absolutely no problem getting to sleep, as soon as I close my eyes I'm away - my problem is staying asleep. Isn't it amazing how little worries become huge problems at four o'clock in the morning. When Dave first came home from hospital and I woke up to silence, I panicked, why wasn't he snoring, should I get a mirror to see if he is still breathing, then he turned over, I nearly cried with relief but then I lay there awake until the morning because I couldn't get used to the silence!

Sometimes I just lie there plotting new story lines for the soap; what is going to happen to Fliss and Martin now that she knows Martin was going to leave her for that little tart? Will Lizzie's stall become La Vista's answer to Ikea? What is Sonny up to in Barcelona and will Michael really follow him there to find out? Will Liam and Cassy get all the work done on the finca in time for their paying guest next spring? and Gloria, what about her, can she really be as boring and nice as she seems or does she have a dark secret? So you see there is so much whizzing around in my head it would probably be better if I just gave up on trying to sleep and fired up the computer instead, but that would be cheating, at night you should sleep, your body need that time to get it's act together for the next day.

So most nights I just take myself off to the loo, have a drink of water and try to get back to sleep. If I am very lucky I can convince myself that I am really tired and that my pillows are the most comfortable things ever invented. I then lie there imagining I am on a sandy beach with the warm sun beating down on me and hope that I will drift off....

I just wish somebody would tell the puppies that.....they have started waking up at five o'clock in the morning, I don't know why, they have warm cosy beds, plenty of water and don't seem to need to pee, the only thing I think is Insomnia is infectious. I'm stuffed!

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