Thursday 6 December 2007

I've been to the Dentist

Sorry if this posting is full of dribble but I have been to the dentist this morning. My face is slowly coming back to life after the injection but I still look like I've had a stroke....but I'm not moaning, it's my own fault for leaving it so long between check ups....even so, after nearly three hours my top lip is still numb and trying to drink coffee through a straw isn't an option (I haven't got any straws) so I am still dribbling more coffee down jumper than is getting in my mouth, my left eyelid looks like I have had a brow lift (shame the right one still looks normal) but the good news is that both nostrils are now working so I don't have to worry about having a runny nose and not realising it....but I'm not moaning....well not much.

Check out the YouTube videos - the top one is the Dentists song from the Little Shop of Horrors, makes me laugh and squirm at the same time, aghh!

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