Saturday, 11 August 2007

Home to Guines

Wednesday 8th August 2007 – Home to Guines

Miles: 294

Tolls: £8

Lesley was due in work at 6.30am so we thought that we might as well make an early start on the journey and get Birmingham out of the way before the rush hour. It always surprises us as to quite how far away Folkestone is and how long it takes to get to the Channel Tunnel. With a couple of good stops and a tail wind we got there about 1.50pm so asked if we could get a train earlier than the one we were booked onto at 2.50. Luckily there were spaces o the 2.20 so we were in the campsite in Guines by 4pm local time.

We were both shattered by the time we had finished dinner. Neither of us had slept well the night before as John’s house alarm had gone off at about 1am and he couldn’t reset it. In the end James got him our ladders out of the garage, God knows how, they were well buried under ‘stuff’, and he climbed up and hit the box with a hammer and cut the wires. Fixed the blasted noise but as security systems go it is stuffed.

We were both happy to settle down early as we had planned an early start to St Malo the next day.

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