Thursday, 16 August 2007


There wasn´t an internet cafe in Creón and I didn´t manage to find a Wifi spot on the campsite so these postings are out by a couple of days.

Creón was a nice little village, unfortunately it was shut when we arrived but at least we didn´t have any trouble parking....

We were staying on a strange little campsite. Nothing bad you understand, just a little odd. You know sometimes when you walk into a strange house and get that 'feeling' that everything isn´t just right, or is that just me? Well it was like that, everything seemed a little off kilter. There were lots of very plush static vans with wooden verandas and more flowers than Kew gardens, the Bar doubled up as the bread shop of a morning and there was a new mini golf and a freezing cold but very nice little pool.

I have been learning more French though. I seem to strike up conversation with random people while waiting to use the loo, no change there then, and slowly but surely I am beginning to understand more than I can speak. Do you know for example what a weesee is? think about it, I will give you the answer tomorrow.

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