Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Found an old photo album

Dave has been decorating the front bedroom and I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to sort out the old cupboard in there. When we moved I had packed all our old photo albums in boxes - many many boxes, but there was one I missed. So instead of sorting through the reams of cables and scart leads in the draws I've spent the past hour going through some lovely old photos.

I'm not sure when they were taken, I think it was either 1999 or 2000 but they did bring back some lovely memories -

We were all together for a family party - Mum and Dad's anniversary I think - I can't believe that this was at least ten years ago - where have the years gone?

I can't remember what Laura was telling James but it was very serious and very important!

This is James and I at the Imperial War Museum Duxford you wouldn't guess it from this picture but as a moody teenager James a) hated having his picture taken b) was totally embarrassed by his Mother and c) would only smile on point of extreme torture or bribery

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