Up up and away
A couple of weeks ago, when, as luck would have it, Kent was having one of it's wettest weeks of the winter, Annita and John came down to stay for the week.
I had been hoping that we would have enough fine days so that I could take them out and about and had mentally planned a itinerary that would probably exhausted even the most intrepid explorer. So it was probably a good thing that our outing were confined mostly to long bracing walks along the seafront in-between the showers, with just the odd walk into town and couple of trips along the coast.
John however was praying for fine weather, having lugged his kites and cameras on three trains and two car rides to get here, he was determined to get some KAP shots. Now for those of you unfamiliar with KAP it stands for Kite Aerial Photography and not as I thought Kent Auto Panels (that's a whole different thing altogether) and it involves sending a camera up on a very impressive looking hand made kite to take aerial photos.
This first shot is taken from Fisherman's Beach looking across the MOD firing range towards Dymchurch.
In this one you can see the beach that stretches five miles around to Folkestone and next to it the Promenade that Annita and John walked there and back on. On what was probably the windiest day of the winter. Our intrepid couple put me to shame, I've been waiting for Spring to arrive and Dave to finish his latest contract before planning to walk there and hop on a bus back!!
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