Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Town Park

As part of Dave's physio he can now walk 30 minutes a day, still on the level, no hill treks obviously, but it does mean that we have been able to enjoy this cold sunny weather. The other day we took and stroll around to Town Park. It is ages since we've been there, which is mad as it is only 5 minutes away, but since Billy died we just didn't have an excuse for walking through it.

It doesn't have the landscaping of a more traditional park but on a day like this it has a beauty all of it's own.

The ponds have been cleared ready for the frogs and newts to spawn

The puppies are going to love running across the fields

The ground was very wet which made the walk a 'bit of a challenge' why they can't put in more paths I'll never now.

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