Wednesday, 14 November 2007

How Was Work Today?

When James comes home from his shift in the truck stop, I always ask 'How was work today' I'm not being flippant I'm really interested. As you know I am now working from home and the one huge draw back is that unless I go out somewhere I very often don't see anyone all day. I'm not complaining, it does mean that I can get a lot of writing done but it does make me a bit of a Billy No Mates at times.

So back to the tale.... Every day I ask James 'How was work today?' and every day he answers 'Same old same old.' So yesterday I thought, he must be getting fed up me asking, so from now on I won't (don't want him to think that I am some boring old fart that can't think of a new greeting each day) When he came in I called 'Hi' (not the most imaginative greeting but I was in the middle of writing a steamy love scene) and carried on with the writing.

James came up stairs, walked into my cosy little office and looked at me with disappointment. It was the look that most Mothers dread. It's the look you get when you turn up to collect your kids from school in what they consider to be really naff clothes, or the look they pull when you are the only Mum at their Graduation Ceremony sniffing quietly and pretending not to cry when you see your first born in his cap and gown. 'Well, aren't you going to ask?' thinking on my feet I replied hastily 'how was work today'

'Well, there was a huge fire on the forecourt and I had a terrible time keeping the marauding kids from the flames till the fire engines turned up. I wasn't too badly injured but I have lost the use of my right arm' At the look of horror on my face the bugger burst out laughing and told me that it was all lies. Apparently he had spent the journey home making up the most fantastical reply that he could think of in answer to my inevitable question and then, I didn't ask it!!!

P.S A word of advice to any new Mum, the one big truth of parenting that should be learnt before all others is, what ever you do as a Mum, you just can't win.

P.P.S The second truth to be learnt is, kids lie!

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