Watching the news yesterday you could have been forgiving for thinking that the whole country was about to go crazy with marauding gangs of youths out to create mayhem by Trick or Treating.
According to the good old BBC, October 31st is the worst night of the year for anti-social behaviour. Well let me tell you, not in our street it isn't!!
We only had about 4 groups of children calling last night and they were cute little kids dressed in amazing costumes accompanied by a responsible adult.
Even though I don't have any little ones at home any more I still had great fun carving a pumpkin lantern to put outside the front door. I even bought lots of Halloween themed sweeties, you know the kind, false teeth, dripping eyeballs etc to hand out, but with so few kids calling I have lots left over.
I think that it is about time that the press stops all the scare mongering and just once, maybe, tells it as it really is. Yes, in some areas there is a problem, but the vast majority of little kids out Trick or Treating just want to wear scary outfits and collect lots of sweeties...or maybe that just where I live.
P.S When we got up this morning we found that the Pyrex dish full of rice, that I had left on the kitchen table, was smashed on the floor, what a mess, shattered glass and rice everywhere!...Could it have been done by lost souls wandering the earth on the eve of All Hallows... or might it have been that the Trick or Treaters have special powers to create havoc through closed doors? Well possibly, but more likely one of our two cats was looking for a midnight feast.
Note to self - must teach the cats how to use a dustpan and brush