Monday, 1 October 2007

A Funny Sunday

It was a funny day yesterday, as it was bright and dry Dave and I went out for a walk. We didn't go far, just down to Wigg Island, which is a new nature reserve on the banks of the Mersey in Runcorn. It is a lovely spot with hides for bird watching on the estuary and nearly 4km of well kept paths around the reserve. But is seemed strange just the two of us walking there. We seem to have spent the last twenty odd years either pushing a buggy or holding dog's lead when we have been out and about and now it's just Dave and I holding hands.

I know that this introspection is probably due to the 'empty nest syndrome'. Lesley is happily settled into her new house in York, James is working all hours to get the money together for his round the world trip next year and two weeks ago Billy, our lovely old black Labrador, died peacefully after a very short illness.

But, in the grand scheme of things, holding hands in the sunshine is not a bad way to spend an afternoon................................

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