Saturday, 15 September 2007

Bray Dunnes to Runcorn

Thursday 13th September

Well that's it, home at last.

I thought that you might be interested to know that on this trip we have:

a) Travelled 3967 miles
b) Visited 4 countries
c) Paid out 191.85 euros in road tolls
d) Bought 490.20 euros worth of diesel
e) Stayed at 17 campsites
f) Discovered that Portugal is the cheapest country for food and diesel
and went over the bloody bridge, Pont de Normandy TWICE, and I have the photographs to prove it!!

Talking of photographs, confession time, I forgot to pack the cable to upload photos onto the Blog, so all the pictures below have been 'borrowed' from various tourist websites (sorry)..........when I find the cable (I haven't a clue where I have put it) I will bore you all to death with the holiday snaps...until then we are planning our next does Scandinavia sound????

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