Screwing around
I admit it, I am no good at screwing. I have spent the last couple of hours trying to fit two new internal door handles. There must be a knack to it, men seem to manage. It didn't help that I couldn't find the right attachment for the electric screwdriver or the bradle to make the marker holes (Dave has organised the tool cupboard) even when I found them I was still no better off. Very frustrating, I hate being all girly and asking for help to do something that looks so simple. Maybe you just need brute strength. Oh well you can't be good at everything...........
Lesley has been getting her rucksack ready for her trip to Morocco. It only weights 8.5 k but when you are only 8 stone dripping wet it looks huge. I hope that she manages to lug it around without pulling her back out.
We spent a lot of time tiding up the front garden last weekend, hoping to improve the 'kerb appeal' (note to self....must stop watching relocation programmes!) and hopefully it now looks so dam fine that we will have buyers beating a path to our door.
I have been having great fun this week with the online soap plot and here is a little excerpt just to wet your appetite
This hall is meant for beautiful young women in elegant evening dresses, not a slightly overweight, sweaty, middle aged woman in baggy shorts. Well bugger it, there is nobody here to see me, and five minutes under a cold shower should help............
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